March 30, 2005
New RoommateWell, today's the day I move to the new room. I'd been anticipating this day for a while, but since the day kept getting pushed back it was a convienent thing to provide me hope, all while allowing me to remain in a comfortable statis. And then yesterday I got the email. I was going to be living four floors up from my current room. My new roommate's name was Joe. I got the stuff from Housing and returned, rather bemused to G3, my home for atleast another day. Tom and Adam, two guys on my floor were hanging out in their respective rooms - doors open to serve as a sort of Greek chorus for our floor. Adam looked the guy up on facebook, to reveal a kid with a gun in a dark dorm room. He had four facebook friends and belonged to several cannibus related listings. Needless to say I was freaked. After several minutes of pacing and dwelling, I realized there was no turning back now and so after a final moment of pause took the elevator up and knocked on the door. My findings were both good and bad. The good was that he didn't come across as an obvious pothead, and the blinds were open. He also claimed to go to bed rarely past midnight. This I can work with. The bad is that since it's at the end of the hall, it's the smallest room on the floor. Damn near a double in a single. Also, since we were on the end the sun was facing, it looks like it might stream right into the room, which may wake me up even with the sleep mask on. And as always, little personality quirks are bound to pop up. But for six weeks, it will hopefully do better than the alternative.
posted by Adam at 14:42 |
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Adam Freelance Film Critic
Albany, NY
Boston, MA
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