March 27, 2005
Happy EasterMy Easter this year started with a beer in my hand at a Jewish frat party. I'm not sure how, but that has to be some sort of blasphemous. The night started out with an invite from Mike that read something to the tune of "Want to get wasted at U of R?" Figuring that Jon would be up until ungodly hours of the night yet again, and never one to turn up the opporunity to get off campus, I of course agreed. We found our way to U of R, and got lost on campus. We eventually tried to drive over a pedestrian bridge, but there was a beam in the way. So after a series of three pointer turns (right in front of the frat house we were trying to gain entry to, as it turns out) we found a suitably distant parking space and walked up. Someone from the balcony yelled down that we should just hammer on the door; someone would come down. We hammered, but no one came down. Out of sheer coincidence, however, a group of three other kids from RIT (who through Hillel got the same invite that Mike did) came up. We bullshitted for a while, particularly about the difference between a dry campus (RIT) and a non-dry campus (U of R), noting the empty beer boxes lying right next to the steps. Eventually someone from the balcony threw down their wallet and keys. We used the card from their wallet to get into the building and then after trying each door found a door the was wedged open with what I recall was a flattened beer can. The party was dull at first; despite being over a half-hour late, it still hadn't fired up yet. It was around this time that I discovered Sigma Ph Epsilon was a Jewish fraternity, owing to the giant spotlighted Israeli flag on the wall. This frat party was apparently a continuation of the Purim festivities that had begun around Thursday. I was still pretty uptight at this point, not being my scene, and the cultural divide being what it was. The RIT students, myself included, stayed together in an awkward little circle at the beginning. Gradually, the population grew. The guy to girl ratio also improved significantly. I realized that the party had heated up though, I think, when a girl walked by me with an "I ♥ INTERCOURSE" hat on. Over the course of the night I probably only had what amounted to one beer, but it was enough to loosen me up a bit. By the time the police came, it was pretty densely packed. By the time the police kicked everyone out, it was finally a comfortable level. The bathroom was filled wall to wall with nudie shots. The vulgar forthrightness with with sex was just straight out unemotional fucking was present to a degree I'd never before experienced outside of the movies. And the night ended on a perfect note: With the police busting the party and kicking everyone out. As we hunted for a bathroom for Mike, a girl came up to us and introduced herself. We did the same, and got invited to a follow-up party now that the main one got busted. That NEVER happens at RIT. Likewise, on the way back to Mike's car, two random strangers (probably intoxicated to some level) talked to us non-mockingly out of the blue with random small talk about Canada. That also never happens here. How great it must be to exist on a non-dry campus.
posted by Adam at 02:56 |
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Adam Freelance Film Critic
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