March 08, 2005
Sounds of SilenceYou know, it's funny. When I first came here, I hated being alone. Now it's some of the time that I enjoy the very most. A little after nine, I left my dorm room and embarked through the frigid cold Rochester night to the library to get a photo I've long sought after. That done, I ended up staying and reading through the latest issue of "Variety". When I was done, I looked around and realized how utterly quiet it was. It's a sensation I've long sought and fell short of here. In my dorm room, with my roommate, there is always noise. It was nice to spend sometime with a clear head and the lack of necessity to blast music to keep the outside world out. My first two days of the new classes have reminded me once again how long an RIT day feels; going straight through from nine in the morning until two hours into the following day feels like a far more complete and far reaching acheivement than my two in the afternoon to four the next morning marches I rode through at home. If I have any worries right now, it is that Calculus and Philosophy are real dragger-type classes. It's going to make Tuesdays and Thursdays a struggle. But in good news, the class schedules of Jon and I are a good deal more varied this quarter. He has class from four to six on Tuesdays, in particular, which is nice in that it gives me a garenteed two hours a week of alone time. I'm hoping the same is true of Thursdays, as well. Wednesdays look like they should be pretty much struggle-free; I have Computer Science at eleven am and Film Arts at four in the afternoon; only two classes and a sizable break in between. Speaking of starting at eleven in the morning, it is a revelation. Finally, some measure of my peaceful mornings of senior year at home is restored. My alarm goes off at 9:00 am, same as last quarter, but this time there isn't the imminent rush. I usually make it to Gracie's by ten, which gives me a much more leisurely breakfast then the ten-minute, three-bowl cramfest of last quarter. I read the paper and still set off at twenty minutes prior to class; no more rushing, save for this morning - which wouldn't have even been a problem had it not been for me losing my class schedule printout Monday. This quarter is looking to be very long; but at the same time, there are a few small pleasures I didn't have before.
posted by Adam at 23:49 |
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Adam Freelance Film Critic
Albany, NY
Boston, MA
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