I was going to post last night, but there were two images I wanted to post (now added to today's post along with a third) and posting images was too time-consuming for yesterday's late night state of mind. I went to get the mail and was surprised to find not only the phone card I'd been expecting but another card as well; apparently there was a backlog somewhere in the mail system. Each card had a lengthy note with it. That was cool enough, but then when I checked my mail this moring as an excuse to see how busy the laundry room was, I had a package slip in my mailbox. Lo and behold, my momma had sent me a whole box of oatmeal cookies. There was a note in this box as well. So the last two days have had a good deal of mail and from the way my mother talked on the phone call from Up North, I should expect another package soon. Getting mail is very exciting.The main reason I didn't post last night, however, was because I was taking in some serious hot tub time. If there's one thing RIT has that's awesome, it's an indoor pool facility. I worked for my town's Parks and Recreation pool complex, which was outdoors and sprawling, and I can tell you that it doesn't come close to how cool the Field House complex is. There a pool with diving boards and lap lanes on one side and a leisure pool with a lazy river and twenty-person hot tub. I went with the Colonel and the 'Berg, both fellow BC grads, and we had a blast. Prior to hitting the water, however, the Colonel and I did ten miles/km each on the sit-down exercise bikes. He talked with his mother on his cellphone while I watched CNN via closed captions on the TV right in front of the bikes.
Perhaps Thursday was most notable for my being late for two out of my three classes, and one spectacularly so. The other days of the week, I have atleast a two hour break between my first and second class. I assumed this was the case for Thursday as well, and went right ahead to lunch. Halfway through my second plateful, I realized that I hadn't seen my roommate when I'd dropped off my bag because he was in the English class that I was also in. So it was that I slipped into class forty minutes late, and did my best to fade into the scenery.
Jumping to the present, I on the way back from the shitter just investigated the pugent smell that seems to have permeated the entire hall over the course of this present recollection of events. There's a big old gathering taking place one room over. I mingled for a minute or so, and realized that my mingling skills lean a bit too much to the standing-stiffly-in-the-doorway tactic at the moment.
Tonight after I talked to my grandma and the folks over my room phone and added my phone card (as well as thirty bonus minutes I scoped out online), I headed over to the Field House with Mike. The Second City Improv Troupe out of Chicago was performing so we checked it out. There was some pretty ballsy humor, but the liberal skew on one recurring sketch left something to be desired. Afterwards there was free donuts, water and coffee. I worked through a plate of donuts while Mike filled up a cup with about six of them for the road. On the way out, we both grabbed a free tub of popcorn.
One other present side note: The reason so many are hanging out in one place is because the vast majority of my floor skipped town for back home. Yay for me for being all manly and sticking it out.
Today was a pretty decent day over all. I got my laundry done (though the dryer for my whites load sucked absolute cock in the most offensive possible connotation). I spent alot of time hanging out in my room, but on the plus side I got the majority of my Cultural Anthropology homework done. The one thing that pisses me off most about yesterday was that I only got a 4.5/5 on my Calc workshop when the rest of my group got a 5 when they made a similiar mistake and she marked it.
How's all of that for incoherent? Anyway, here's the pics. The first two came on Thursday, while the last one came about fifteen or so hours ago.

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