I haven't been writing because I was dwelling in a very dark place. Now I think I'm finally through it, maybe. Here's the reasons why, quoted:
Adam: you no how nuerotic I am?
Darren: Duh.
Adam: well, I was talking to my mother on the phone
Adam: about doing the meet-up on the weekend of the 26th
Adam: and she mentioned that it would be tough to pick me up on thursday because my dad would have to take time off work
Adam: and then I realized I'd be spending my entire Friday during the day alone
*** You have been disconnected. Sun Sep 05 22:33:52 2004.
*** Darren signed on at Sun Sep 05 22:33:57 2004.
Adam: and so that sent me into a severe depression for about two hours
Adam: now I feel fine...
Darren: I mean, I had it good at home. I should have felt something by now.
Adam: maybe you're just made of solider stuff than me
Darren: I don't think so.
Darren: I just think all that worrying I did paid off.
Adam: ah
Adam: see, I didn't worry at all
Adam: I was nothing but excited
Adam: and then I got here and it sucked
Darren: That may have been your undoing.
Adam: yup, seems like it
Adam: the problem with me is that I dwell
Adam: when I have a problem, I can't think of anything else
Adam: it's all about flushing things out properly
Adam: you know what, I think I picked the wrong major
Adam: and for once that doesn't depress me
Adam: I figure, I'll give this year a shot
Darren: So many people change.
Adam: and if it sucks, I'll try something else
Adam: exactly
Adam: I feel so free
Adam: Freer than I've felt in a long, long time
Adam: the anger is gone
Darren: That's good.
Adam: And in case I became depressed and verbally abusive again, I just want to let you know that you've been a really fantastic friend to me these last seven or so years
Adam: And I really, really appreciate it
Darren: Same to you, man. It's been great.
Adam: it's not only been great
Adam: it will continue to be great
Adam: even if we're hundreds of miles away
Adam: IMing is a glorious thing
Adam: I was really worried when you said you were moving to California after college
Adam: but not any more
Adam: because I realize that we'll still be able to keep in touch in a very real way
Darren: Well, that's really just to get noticed and whatnot.
Darren: I'll see what's involved in telecommuting back.
Darren: I've seen it done.
Darren: But only by people who started in CA.
Darren: Because as much as I feel welcome here, I don't think anything can beat home.
Adam: home
Darren: Not the location. Just where the heart is.
Adam: what I've just realized is that's not so much a place
Adam: it's the people
Darren: Exactly.
Darren: It's never gonna be "I miss Friendly's".
Adam: it's going to be "I miss farting toilets"
Adam: :-{
Darren: It's gonna be, "I miss when Adam walked out of the bathroom at Friendly's and proudly exclaimed, 'The toilet farted.'"
Adam: :-P
Hey Dad!
Classes start tomorrow. When Mom mentioned that you'd have to leave work to pick me up on a Thursday before a weekend, it made me realize that I'd be spending the following Friday home alone. That got me really depressed for about an hour or so. Then I realized, home is home. It doesn't matter how long I'm gone, you guys will still be there for me and my home will still be there. Just because I'm gone doesn't mean I'll never be able to go back. Knowing that home is always there for me if I really need it wiped my depression right away. I think I can get on with my college experience now. I just wanted to let you guys know what I've been working through, emotionally. Right now, I'm actually excited about classes tomorrow. Should be fun. I'll probably still call, but if I'm too busy I wanted to say "hi" anyway. Hope everything is going great. I'll let you know if I need anything.
Love you!
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