September 06, 2004
Day Forty-NineToday actually turned out pretty decent. It was the first day of classes, and they were intense. Throughout the day, I've been trying to take a shower, as I'm a bit ripe. But alas, despite my best efforts, I didn't get a chance. I hope to after posting this. I also picked up my books. I'd estimate that we took 15+ pages of notes in Calculus today. Having classes to six takes some getting used to.After talking to my parents for twenty minutes tonight, I was down in the dumpers again. I think having that potent of a reminder of home is what did it. Right after, I went to the first meeting of the Red Brick Network. These three girls are trying to create a block of new, student-crafted programming on the Student Government network. We have virtually no resources, but there were a lot of great ideas thrown about. I was still depressed through this, but my interest was peaked even through the rainy cloud of my depression, and that's not nothing. My depression, ironically, broke when I discovered how high the percentage of RIT students who posted on was that would not choose RIT could they go back. It made me realize that I'm going to have to work at creating my own happiness here. It also made me realize that I can't look at college as a really long vacation, or I'm going to be miserable. For the time being, this IS home. Meanwhile, I was talking to Mike and Alex's brother. The latter gave me allot of great advice, while the former told me about how a bunch of people from his dorm were playing with a twenty or so foot long rubber band. I ditched the computer and headed over. I didn't realize that the staircase to Sol dorm lead to the lobby rather than up the floors. I ended up locked out, and had an absolutely great time begging my way up to his floor. When I got there, he wasn't in which gave me a chance to talk with his roommate. I then proceeded to knock over his water bottle and spill it on the floor. In the process of finding a paper product to clean it up with, I met a bunch of people from his floor. (I walked in on one of them who was taking a piss in my search for toilet paper. We agreed that the bathrooms needed urinals.) As it turns out, I missed the actual twang-ack of the massive rubber band. Mike had video of it, however, and it was indeed awesome. As an added bonus I got an email I'd been waiting for all weekend which gave me access to a video I'd been looking for. Now I'm typing this journal entry, ultimately content with my day for the second time running. I plan on logging off, taking a quick shower, and hitting the sack.
posted by Adam at 23:50 |
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Adam Freelance Film Critic
Albany, NY
Boston, MA
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