September 18, 2004
Day Sixty
Boy, I do love round even numbers. It's been a fairly long day, but it's ending far more satisfactory than I'd thought it would. Right now, West Side Story is on the "America" sequence in iTunes. Adobe Premiere is rendering a very cool video into QuickTime format. My roommate is plugging away at "Doom 3."

Today started for me at roughly ten this morning, when my roommate came back from his Comp. Sci. lab. I got up, twiddled around a bit on the computer and then his Gracie's for breakfast. After a worthwhile combination of a bowl of Kix and a bowl of Special K spruced up with eight packets of Domino sugar. Then it was back to the room, with another of those glorious fifty-cent machine-brewed hot chocolate at 170 degrees farenheit. I dicked around trying to get Frontpage 2002 to work, as it was the only one that was compatible with my server's front page extensions. I kept trying right until 2:28, but it was no go. Somewhere in there was a lengthy shower with soap and the whole deal.

But at 2:30, I had to go sit the Red Brick Network's table at Club Day. The club leader was there, and I talked with her a bit and then read the school magazine while she ran into Gracie's for a takeout meal. I high-tailed it around a quarter after three and returned to my room. After a further struggle, I gave up and switched back to Frontpage 2003 and just configured for FTP. That done, I added a photo I'd found of Logan O'Brien and Adam Baldwin to the gallery at Serenity Cortex and made headway at updating the news archive.

The next few hours are a blur, until 5:08 when my cellphone vibrated in my right pocket. Mike wondered whether I'd like to synchronize dinner. I would. And so we hit Gracie's after I made a pit stop to piss. We had about eight plates each, and I plowed through a plate of Ziti while he explained how to use a takeout box to smuggle ice cream. We agreed to meet at the sun dial at 6:30 to do some working out and then hot tub. I spent the intervening half hour wrestling with Frontpage, and then I went out into the rain.

He had an umbrella. I chose the open sky. This time I came prepared; I wore my shiny black Nike shorts and a badly stained white CS department shirt and kept today's clothes in my backpack to change into. After 45 minutes on the sitdown bike where I alternated between watching King of the Hill and CNN Headline News via headphones and talking with him, we hit the hot tub.

I've got to say, that one thing RIT skools every other school with is their grade A leisure pool facility. We spent close to an hour switching between the hot tub and the recreational pool at differing intervals, and I managed to get in a dive. (though I overshot it and landed nearly on my back) When all was said and done it was only around 8:30. His roommates had joined a frat, so he had the room to himself. After about twenty minutes of switching gears here I headed back over, and three elevator car loads and a packed ride up while the elevator warned of overload, I hit his room. The plan had been to acquire a movie and watch it, but we ended up surfing the Hub for funny stuff. "That's why Mommy left us" and "Special Fred" by Steven Lynch came up in the process. The highlight were the videos from RIT itself, like the riot coverage, some dudes torching an old Mac computer and a Reno 911-style show only with Campus Safety called Reno's Finest. The highlight was a Real Media video which is what Premiere is busy converting as I type. It's called "RIT cinder block" with the title of "bombs away." I'll leave it at that. I ended heading back here around eleven, finding myself lucky enough to have two decent nights in a row. Who woulda thunk it?

  posted by Adam at 00:30 |


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