I fucking absolutely hate iTunes and XP Service Pack 2. I think they actually included shit in Service Pack 2 to make absolute fucking sure that iTunes would crash my computer when open. I never had a problem with Service Pack 1. This is the third time I've started this entry, and let me tell you, the first two times were a hell of a lot more pleasant and a hell of a lot more articulate.The thing that made me bother to post this entry at all after running out of time last night was something that happened in my Writing and Literature class. Having just finished examining the origins of the tragic novel and House of Sang and Fog's place in it, the professor was addressing questions about the essay due Thursday. Something jogged "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" into his head and that was it's own tangent and when "Across the Universe" came up in iTunes earlier it made me think of it and smile, and then then second time I wrote this it was "America" by Simon and Garfunkel but now it's nothing because my roommate has his music turned up so fucking loud and Geez I can't fucking do this three times in a row.
Sorry, whoever's reading this. You missed out on a great entry with some great, postive things to say. Blame Microsoft and Apple.
Whew. That feels better. I just acquired the complete album of "Sgt. Pepper..." As I type this, "Good Morning Good Morning" is blasting through the headphones and I feel fine. Anyway, the thing that made me sit up and take notice yesterday was at the end of class. The mention of "Sgt. Pepper" has led to a whole mini-lecture about art and how it's ultimate importance was defined almost solely by its social context rather than by any sort of social merit. But then at the very end he just sings a few verses from the title track to himself, right in front of the whole class. It was one of the few moments since I've come to RIT where I could honestly say there's no place I'd rather have been. The power of catchy tune over a person is a special and magical thing, and any magic is to be appreciated in a place like this.
Though I have yet to get a perfect score on anything yet in Calc, atleast all of my grades thus far have been in the A range. Still I have apprehensions about my ability to succeed as the course grows increasingly more complex. I spoke more about this the second time, but one of the benefits of the clarity that comes from a third try is realizing that anything else on the topic is rather irrelevant. For the thing that gave me the most trouble last night, the thing that shook my confidence to it's core, was the English essay.
I went from expecting to pop it out in twenty minutes in the quiet peaceful library to staring frustratedly at the impentrable, overly-verbose mess glaring back at my from the word processing window while a pair of deaf students in the background punctuated their signing with loud, odd guttural noises while another student with full sensory perception felt the need to punctuate her point that something's "not fucking funny" by repeating it word for word atleast twenty times. I made a second go at finishing it at the much quiet but virtually unventilated and stifling hot forth floor. After twenty minutes of that, I gave up altogether. Uploading what I had to the network as a last resort, I flopped into a padded chair on one of the intermediate floors and skimmed through my reading until a quarter after nine, at which point I headed back to the dorms to watch "Scrubs" at 9:30. It would be almost midnight before I'd try the essay again. Head filled with the music of ages, the words again flowed like water. I'm not sure what I've got so far will be any better received than my first attempt. But atleast I like it.
Oh, and check out "Jack and Bobby" if you get a chance. It was a pretty friggin' awesome pilot, employing all the tenets of "Everwood" during it's first, best season.
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