July 21, 2005
Finally Feels Like Summer
The sun's going down over the stage as the current iteration of the Lovin' Spoonful leap into another song on a stage set smack dab in the middle of the Empire State Plaza; I pause for a moment from the steps of the seating crawling down from one of the middle floors of the marble library building, glance at the rows of green treens lining either side of the park, catch a glimpse of the egg peeking out from the edge of the Corning Tower, three others on my right. It is a warm night without any of the humidity. The crowds spans out in every direction, their murmer filling the air with a persistent but unintrusive feeling of life. I look to my left at my friend one small step up who meets my eyes and smiles. The band lacks their front man, and yet they are positively rocking. Jerry Yester, decked out in tie-dye sunshine, has absolutely nailed the vocals on "Darling Be Home Soon." I realize that it is perhaps my first and best summer moment of 2005.
  posted by Adam at 01:18 |


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