June 19, 2005
Expectations and Situations
If I've realized anything, it's this - that it's far too easy to screw up your life, to look back and wonder exactly where you went wrong. I look around and see it everywhere, whether by poor parenting, some lifetime trama, or just the wear and tear of daily living, and see the missteps and realize after the past year that I should not be so arrogant as to believe that that will not be my fate. And yet I look at every single case and realize that if they were able to look around, probably two out of three times, they would be able to dig themselves out again. It is fair easier to lose respect than to gain it, this is true, but that matters only if the person expects to get all of their old life back, or to get it back as quickly as they have lost it. This won't be the case, every decision colors life, every moment is one you can't get back. If every problem were reversable, every life destroyed overturnable, there would be no point to living, no point to carrying on. To some extent we all have to deal with the cards we've been dealt, and the cards we've dealt ourselves. The decision then becomes whether to throw in the towel or go for broke. Take risks, make noise, and if the risks fail and the noise brings danger, ask yourself, "How can I make my situation just a little bit better?"
  posted by Adam at 23:19 |


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