June 16, 2005
Molecules and WorldsWalking back to my car from the brightly lit Stewarts in the pouring rain, I was struck by the way we view the universe. When I am outside being rained on, I am part of the world as a whole. But as soon as I slip inside that car, I'm in a world of one, a molecule containing only the contents of the car. The sound of the radio blasted over the air conditioner being used as a defroster helps further isolate the world of the car, my headlights illuminating a world that I had moments before been a part of, now only navigating through like some abstract thing. How surreal. I was out because I had to get milk, since I'd nearly finished off the last carton for breakfast this morning. Somehow, being "considerate" means that my mom can have a half day and not run out for milk during the dry bright day, but when I get up early and work an eight hour shift, I should be expected to dash out into the dreary night. It worked out well, however, because I wanted to return the "Rent" CDs I'd borrowed from Darren's sister Krissy. I'd have felt bad enough keeping them longer than neccessary if they were his CDs, and felt more so considering the additional degree of seperation between her and I. I also heard his side of a fight he and Alex had had which led to Darren blocking Alex from his buddy list, which seemed quite petty then and seems quite petty now, except for the fact that not being there I'm in no position to definitely judge. We're planning on doing something tomorrow, so I'll see how smooth the waters are then. In the meantime, tomorrow's a morning shift and I have some "4400" to catch up on...
posted by Adam at 22:47 |
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Adam Freelance Film Critic
Albany, NY
Boston, MA
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