May 07, 2005
Love Is All AroundHere I am, it's a quarter after four in the morning and I'm set up on a tray table and a lawn chair in a closed off hallway on the ground level of Kate Gleason Hall, posting this very message through the sheer wonders of that marvelous technology they call Wi-Fi which I just within the past week learned how to use. Love Actually was a film I obtained very close to when I first signed on to the Hub. As space issues became a growing concern, I chose to delete it, telling myself that when I had an evening to blow, I could always just obtain it again. Well, as I embark on the second to last Saturday of my R.I.T. experience, I'm running out of such evenings. So obtain again I did. There was some inconcistencies between the two files I downloaded which resulted in a chunk from the middle of the film being missing. How much, I do not know. It doesn't matter. The film worked it's magic anyway. How spectacular that Britain, known for being very closed off and reserved, should make a movie so gloriously focused, celebratory, and all-consumed by love. Characters are hurt by it, characters are healed by it, characters are formed by it. Most romantic comedies will have one scene for a most outright riddiculous grand and sweeping persuit of love. This movie has probably six or seven, maybe more. Characters throw everything on the line for it, do things real people would never possibly do for anything in the pursuit of love. I think that's wonderful. It our cynical, closed-off, self-contained, and self-focused world how spectacular for a movie to just place the most risky and personal of emotions on a petistal. Some will call it hopelessly naive. It is. Some will call it depressing. It is. Some will call it uplighting. Again, it is. Some will call it shallow. It is. Some will call it broad, and it is - most gloriously so. But for what it's worth, it got me cheering for these characters, got me to connect to something from within the heart of R.I.T. and it's soul-crushing flavor. To me, that signals some sort of miracle.
posted by Adam at 04:33 |
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Adam Freelance Film Critic
Albany, NY
Boston, MA
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