December 03, 2004
*burb*As I begin to pick up the pieces of my scattered and fractured life, I look at the world around me and pause. In pausing, I realize that while my situation may not be the greatest it's certainly not the worst.
I didn't get my cellphone back today. But someone found it. I hear from a good high school friend, at art school, that her writing wrist is shot. She doesn't seem super down, but I'd be devestated. It's one thing to put yourself in a position of uncertainty in the future through your choices. It's got to be much worse having that position of uncertainty thrust upon you. My failings and limitations, while a bitter pill to swallow, area atleast my own. What kind of world strips people of their talent and ambitions once they finally have it all figured out?
I have seen the world that awaits it, and have come atleast partially to terms of it. In the face of the bleakness and conformist mediocrity that away, I find at last glimmers of the mystery and romance that I embued in the world as a child; it only needs now to be filtered through a different lens. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a stolen poster to return to a deaf laundry room.
posted by Adam at 02:57 |
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Adam Freelance Film Critic
Albany, NY
Boston, MA
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