August 01, 2004
Day Twelve
It is late and I need sleep, for tomorrow I'm being paid to help someone move to the glorious state of CT. But that is Day Thirteen, and this is Day Twelve, so that is all I will say about that.

Alot was accomplished today. I have a new ceiling fan in the room from which I am currently typing. My little video project may have at last reached completion. I went to a graduation party. And I had Clam Chowder for dinner at a Fireman's benefit in Glenmont. Oh, and the milk started to smell.

The theme of today was taking a chance, and my results were varied. I took a chance by calling about a party I had forgotten to RSVP for, and that was a wonderful time. I took a chance on the Fireman's thing and that was less wonderful but still worthwhile. And my dad is peeing one door down as I type. Ah, the twinkle has ended.

I also watched a shitload of "Reno, 911." Damned good show, but I hate the commercials. Finally sat through the whole end credits of Superman: The Movie, which was airing on TCM. Made me realize how much filmmaking has changed. If you compared the credits of a blockbuster made in the last year or so to Superman: The Movie, I wouldn't be surprised if there was less than a third overlap in job titles. It's a whole new behind the scenes medium.

Every now and again, I have positive people moments that refute the overwhelming tide of disgust with the current batch of humanity. Such moments are holding less and less sway.

I really should starting writing these earlier unless I can sleep in the next day. Oh, well; good bye for now. Raindrops patter on the roof of my garage. Next time you have a sunny day, by God, open some windows! I'll be sleeping with the fan on tonight, but it's a poor substitute for a good healthy breeze.

  posted by Adam at 01:54 |


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