July 25, 2004
Day Five
I'm tired, I'm thirsty, I have a headache, and I wan't to go to bed. Alas, I started my previous entry too early, and missed things. And now I start this one to late, and am certain to miss a good deal more.

The big news on my geeky front: the last Star Wars movie ever is called Revenge of the Sith. I enjoy the symmetry with Return of the Jedi, but have two _____ of the ____ titles in a row is rather repetitive. There was also a good deal more posted for paying customers only. I didn't get my hands on all of it, but what I saw was pretty awesome. Needless to say, Star Wars had to be the talk of Comic-Con today. Besides that, a rip of the Return of the Jedi DVD, scheduled for release in September, is spreading across the internet like wildfire and getting the behinds of many in a bunch.

Work today moved by pretty quick. Of the time I got paid to work, approximately an hour-and-a-half was spent playing "Uno" behind the desk. The majority of that time was spent on one awful game. I swept all three. There was a situation brewing regarding a pavilion and some missing property. We sent the woman at the center of the problem to maintenance. Apparently they weren't there because she cornered me after we'd closed why I was putting stuff in my trunk. Having been locked out of the office already and without access to all of the necessary phone numbers, there wasn't a heck of a lot I could do, so I just pushed the problem on down the line.

The graduation party was a decidedly unique affair. When I got there, there were several people from my school there and a couple that took the AP test with me. Now there was a fun conversation. But soon they all left but I, being in need of food after a long foodless shift at work, politely overstayed my welcome. Everyone was very polite and courteous, but the her family background is so unique that I found myself a very fascinated fly on the wall to all the proceedings around me. I come from a small family, so it was a very different experience for me. All in all, not a bad family though, since they got along well and comfortably with one another... better than I can say for most. All in all a fairly fun time, and I had the bonus of seeing my eighth grade math teacher doing a roofing job three houses down.

I'm pretty sure I've crossed the three hundred page mark in Harry Potter 4. I'm pleased to say that the bathroom environment is much more conducive to getting wrapped up in the book, and I look forward to continuing tomorrow, even though I know what's going to happen. But first: sneakers and pants shopping.

  posted by Adam at 02:08 |


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