Having had quite the full day, I've only just finished my daily web rounds. At the last message board I visited, I was struck at once by the breakdown in essential thought processes. Previously I've noticed my own ability to problem solve has become deficient. But what I saw there greatly concerned me. Reading comprehension on a site filled with presumably adults (or atleast kids over 13) is almost non-existent. A simple turn of phrase will cause heated debate between the people who correctly interpret the phrase in the context of the paragraph and the people who cannot see beyond the literal. The English language is breaking down, and I fear for a society where the people don't have adequate words to express their passions.My morning started early; too early. I woke up at 7:30 knowing I had a doctor's appointment at 9:15. Unfortunately I'd gone to bed at a late hour the night before; consider the timestamp on yesterday's entry and then understand that on top of that I fixed myself a bowl of cereal, broke my glasses, searched for the tiny pieces, tried in vain to repair my glasses, and read a few chapters out of Order of the Phoenix before hitting the sack. Whether it be nerves or a continuing poor diet, I again suffered from a case of the Hersey squirts, though far less severe. I worked for a bit on the video thing that's been processing for days now and then read until a quarter of. After checking again on the video, I had nine minutes left to get myself ready and go. Since my mom works there as a nurse and it was my first time going there, I tried to dress the best I could but there weren't alot of options. I get there and am again polite. I sign a few forms and then my mother weighs me and seats me in an examination room. She comes and goes anwsering phones, at one point publicly and a bit loudly criticizes my clothes, half jokingly. To my immense satisfaction, her co-workers stood up for me. The victory was somewhat tarnished once I found out how crappy the rest of her day would go.
During the time before my Empire vision appointment at four, I left another message with my friend Maia and tried IMing another friend about her graduation party, but she was out. Maia called back later and asked if I wanted to catch the free production of "Fiddler on the Roof" at Washington Park with her. I agreed.
After the Empire vision appointment - where my father and I working together couldn't solve the forms they gave us upon arrival, and where they blew air into my eyes and asked me to stare at a picture of a farm house in a machine, but neglected to ask me any questions - I got home having ended up with a very similiar perscription to my current one and very similiar frames, though slightly thinner and a good deal lighter in color.
"Fiddler on the Roof" was a fun time, and the crowd the Park Playhouse productions draw is always interesting. The whole cast did decent job with their respective roles, but their Tevye and Yente really achieved stand out performances.
And now I am home, and I am tired and I am thinking strongly of going to bed. Hopefully I'll be more profound in the morning.
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