January 11, 2005
Jerry MaGuire is fucking greatOver the weekend, while Alex and Darren were up to visit, I purchased the Jerry Maguire DVD on a whim at Walmart for ten bucks. Tonight, after a week of solid nights at the Computer Science lab, I finally sat down and watched it. I'd seen the film before, but only on TV - edited and with commercial interruption. This time, with headphones cranked and lights dimmed, the dorm room faded away. The memo - excuse me, mission statement! - inspired me to rise above my average life and my average personality. The women of this film inspired me to avoid settling for a convenient situation. Will this feeling last until tomorrow? Who knows. But for now, for the first time in a long time, I feel like a little bit of home has slipped into my residence hall. Over the weekend, Darren commented that the quote from Garden State on my door - the one that wondered, "You know that point in your life when you realize the house you grew up in isn't really your home anymore? That idea of home is gone. Maybe that's all family really is: A group of people who miss the same imaginary place." - was depressing. Tonight I found my argument against this. Home is people, home is memory, home is a feeling. Family, for all it's quirks and misfortunes is connected by that deep and essential root. When I'm with my family, whether it be in my house or in a hotel room halfway across the world, I'm home. If I can someday look back and call my life success, it will be because long after my parents have passed on I'll have spent the intervening years with people that give me that feeling of home. Jerry MaGuire let me feel that, and that I guess is the difference between the people who get it and those who don't. Do get a glimpse of home from the journey of Cameron Crowe's titular sport agent in flux?
posted by Adam at 01:35 |
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Adam Freelance Film Critic
Albany, NY
Boston, MA
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