January 12, 2005
Disappointments and Small VictoriesIt came down to the buzzer. Having spent an hour just figuring out what they were asking - the Computer Science department's writing skills don't match up to their computing skills - I fired away and got something done right before the buzzer. I doubt I'll get much higher than 20/30 if I even get that. And yet, the whole time I thought I'd lost my backpack with two expensive textbooks inside. In the end I forgot to bring it with me. In situations like these, the world has a funny way of balancing out. I came back to my room and found a similar message in last week's episode of "Joan": Hold on! Making it through these next several weeks while balancing ever increasing school work with transfer applications and ensuring that my academic standing will remain transfer-worthy is going to be an enormous focus. But in one of the great paradoxes of my life, I have never felt more centered at RIT. I have a focus and an objective. For now, my only task is to remain in the game, snatching bits of happiness and inspiration where I come across them. It's a strange feeling, coming to accept that there might be a place for me in the grand epic mix-up we call civilization. Doubtless the feeling won't last but for the moment, even as bad grades pile up with the good ones, I feel like I'm at last glimpsing the potential I can allow myself to achieve. I may not end being famous, but I hope I can achieve epic in my own private little way. And no, that's not sexual innuendo.
posted by Adam at 01:56 |
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Adam Freelance Film Critic
Albany, NY
Boston, MA
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