September 25, 2004
Day Sixty-SevenIf it gives you an idea of how shitty my day has ended up, ResNet won't even let me online right now, so I'm typing this in Notepad. Positive thinking (along with a labeling project) got me through the night. I went to the mall today to finally get Clerks X on DVD, and seeing the food court there - the place of my last family meal - set off my homesickness big time. One unescapable thought dominated my thinking: Even at my best moments and times here, I still would rather be at home. The impossibility of this threw me right into that pit of despair again. On the way over to the library to get some more reading done, I'd convinced myself that I needed to call the 'rents even thought I'd just talked to them Wednesday. I was planning on calling them on the way back. But something about reading in that quiet section of the library was relaxing and calming. The book also noted something about regret which made me change my outlook. So I headed back to the room, scanned today's aquisitions (L to R: a letter from my mommy, one of the two packs of empty slim cases, the cover of Clerks X unopened, a pamphlet for the shuttle to the mall) and then set to work sorting through the CDs now that I had blank cases to put things into. Finding that I didn't have the thin Sharpie I use for the slimcase spine labeling, I computerized the whole process. That took me up until a few minutes ago, when I checked my email and discovered I was expected at the earliest time I'd given (10 am) for Red Brick's coverage of the RIT Players' 24-hour show and so wasn't even going to get to sleep in as I planned. So, yeah, today sucked. But I'll be home in five days and change.[NOTE: Listed time an approximated guess one day later]
posted by Adam at 01:53 |
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Adam Freelance Film Critic
Albany, NY
Boston, MA
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