November 14, 2005
Peace and IntermissionThe professor never showed for my ten o'clock class, so I have a little free time to unload. Generally things are going quite well; I'm still riding on the positive vibes from my weekend home. Despite almost missing the bus on Wednesday after forgetting my ticket and running the marathon of my life to get back to the station just in the nick of time, the weekend home was actually a really positive experience. My dad and I got in two hikes: one way out in Rensellerville, the other through the Vlommankill at Five Rivers. We also watched Once Upon a Time in the West, which I had bought him for his birthday, along with a few other things. Alex also just got the computer from his parent's work, so I "pimped it out" (his term not mine). The overall effect was a low-key weekend, and that's just what I wanted/needed. This week's going to be a bit of a bitch because I have a debate on Wednesday (of which the large brunt of the work still remains ahead of me) and then I want to have my part of my JR101 team's second wiki done before I go back home for Thanksgiving. Depending on what's going on in my classes Wednesday, I may go home Friday afternoon. If that's the case, I'll be able to go with my parents up to Potsdam and visit Grandma Casey. I haven't have much of an opportunity to do so since I first left to college, so that would be nice. I'm afraid that since Mike Brown skipped out today, though, he'll have a bunch of important stuff for Monday's class to make up for it. We shall see.
posted by Adam at 10:44 |
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Adam Freelance Film Critic
Albany, NY
Boston, MA
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