August 10, 2004
Day Twenty-OneI just got finished posting at a message board in response to Kerry's latest allegation against Dubya:"I would have told those kids very nicely and politely that the president of the United States has something that he needs to attend to" Never mind that Kerry's comments are in the same league as those from the co-worker who comes in the morning after a big game and rattles off all the plays he'd have done different. That's to be expected; low and unfounded, but expected campaign mud slinging. The thing that concerns me is the number of people who seem to have forgotten what 9/11 was like. Now that the initial shock is over, too many people would like to pretend they didn't spend days in front of the television as exhausted news anchors fed the country all the latest developments. Too many people forget how shocking an attack on mainland America was; how unprecedented it was. And now the liberals are setting on Bush for responding as all too many of them did. Here's a quote from one of them: "It would be a forgone conclusion that if America is under attack nd the Pres. is at a public event at a public school, get him the h*ll out of there and abord AF1 (or to a safe place)." Said with all of the authority of someone with years of hindsight into the moment. No one knew what was going on, no one knew what was going to happen. And yet Bush was supposed to do what no one else in the country could do. Unreal. I desperately want to elect an alternative to Dubya, but I have to question the judgment of any candidate that takes his queues from Michael Moore.In other news, I got about five hours of sleep last night, and spent the entire day in a fog. From a little after I returned home from getting Jello pudding from the store for my mother's pie until dinner time, I was in a state of semi-consciousness on the couch. After dinner I made a glass-like Superman logo to mixed results. I also got in a game of B-ball with my dad, which was nice because we had done so in a long time. Basketball out in the driveway was always one of our things.
posted by Adam at 01:54 |
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Adam Freelance Film Critic
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